Please join the members of the Troup County Racial Trustbuilding Initiative for our bi-monthly breakfast meeting. This is a time for those who have participated in our Level 1 & 2 sessions to go deeper into discussions around race, reconciliation, and community building. Often, we welcome subject matter experts who are able to guide our conversations and leave us with meaningful insights.
Since August is "Back To School" month, our breakfast discussion will explore Brown v. Board of Education and the psychological impact of school integration. In order to prepare for the session, listen to season 2, episode 3 of the "Revisionist History" podcast by Malcolm Gladwell. You can download the podcast here or listen to it via iTunes, Stitcher, or another podcast app.
Note the time change to 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM and our meeting location at the old science building (Cason Callaway Science Building) on the campus of LaGrange College.